Supported Projects

There are currently 917 projects with the selected filtering.

Future Conservationist Award
Sea Turtle Conservation: A participatory approach in Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site, Ghana
Future Conservationist Award Reptile

Muni-Pomadze is one of Ghana’s five designated Ramsar sites. Aside its rich and diverse biodiversity, it is one of few existing nesting sites for threatened sea turtles in Ghana. This...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Reptile
Future Conservationist Award
Mitigating biodiversity extinctions in Ghana: the case of the endemic Bobiri reed frog
Future Conservationist Award Amphibian

This project is aimed at giving a fighting chance of survival to the endemic and endangered Bobiri reed frog (Hyperolius bobirensis) through research and action. The frog has not been...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Amphibian
Future Conservationist Award
Monitoring otter populations and combating poaching through stakeholder participation in India
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

Otters are ambassadors of wetland ecosystems. Being top predators, they have been severely affected by loss of riparian habitats to agriculture and other anthropogenic activities like sand mining, hydroelectric projects...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Research assistant, inventory & monitoring unit  
Internship Multiple

The internship’s overall goal is to improve the conservation research conducted by WCS’s Inventory & Monitoring Unit (IMU), while also improving the independent research conducted at Centre de Formation et de...View Project

Internship Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Building bridges between rainforest conservation and livestock grazing in Mexico
Future Conservationist Award Plant

Extensive deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and over-grazing put tropical communities at universal risk of destruction. Maintaining regeneration potential in highly fragmented landscapes is critical for conservation. Our work takes place in...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Plant
Future Conservationist Award
Conservation of savannah elephants in Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

Elephants in Yankari Game Reserve are being threatened by an unprecedented rate of poaching (fueled by the huge illegal ivory trade market existing in the region and apathy resulting from...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Ecology and conservation of pearly tree frog at Mt.Ungaran, Indonesia
Future Conservationist Award Amphibian

Pearly tree frog (Nyctixalus margaritifer) is a Javanese endemic that is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN because of a continuing decline in areas of suitable habitat. We will work...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Amphibian
Contribution to the “Adaptive fisheries management in Kenya’s coral reefs” project
Internship Fish

Artisanal fishing is one of the main activities carried out by coastal communities on the Kenyan coast particularly in coral reefs, the dominant coastal ecosystem. WCS has been conducting research...View Project

Internship Fish
Future Conservationist Award
Conservation of threatened amphibians in Barbas-Bremen Natural Regional Park, Colombia
Future Conservationist Award Amphibian

Amphibians globally are threatened by habitat fragmentation, destruction and by climatic changes, because of this it is important to realize studies that allow conserving them and the places they live...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Amphibian
Conservation Follow-up Award
Improving survival chance of the Liben lark, Ethiopia
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The Liben Plain in Ethiopia was once the most productive pastoral land in East Africa. Presently, its degradation in the form of overgrazing, bush encroachment and expansion of agricultural activities...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Palm species conservation in Itremo Protected Area, Madagascar
Future Conservationist Award Plant

Habitat loss and population decline are the main threats to the population of Dypsis decipiens and Dypsis ambositrae, respectively listed as Endangered and Critically Endangered. Both palms are native to...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Plant
Field research at the Sikhote-Alin research center
Internship Multiple

The overall goal of this internship is to introduce the intern to the world of conservation research and to allow her to gain experience, leadership skills, and an understanding of...View Project

Internship Multiple
Conservation Follow-up Award
Ecology and conservation of the four-horned antelope in the Eastern Ghats of India
Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal

This project aims to understand the foraging and breeding ecology of the four-horned antelope in the uplands of Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh - India, as well as to initiate...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Spatio-temporal distribution of human-snow leopard conflict in Spiti Valley, India
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

Retaliatory killing due to the livestock hunting behaviour of the snow leopard is one of the major threats for the survival of this species throughout its distribution range. We propose...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Conducting field surveys and supporting the National Conservation Training Programme
Internship Multiple

The intern will be closely engaged with the work of FFI in Tajikistan, including involvement with national level training in conservation, and also biodiversity surveys in a range of habitats...View Project

Internship Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Promoting conservation measures for Ader’s duiker in Arabuko-Sokoke, Kenya
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The goals of this project are a) survey Ader's duiker population; b) determine the conservation threats faced by this species; c) establish the perspectives of the peripheral communities towards Ader's...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Supporting the BirdLife Americas Secretariat in IBA research and prioritization, Ecuador
Internship Bird

The publication of the launch of the Americas Important Bird Area (IBA) directory in May 2010, which documented 2345 IBAs throughout the Americas, marked an important milestone in the Americas...View Project

Internship Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Ensuring long-term protection of rare endemic plants at Lake Baikal, Russia
Conservation Follow-up Award Plant

The initial CLP-funded project helped us to conduct botanical surveys and monitoring of rare plants on Lake Baikal. The main purpose of this project is to organize the long-term protection...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Plant
Promoting fruit and nut forest conservation through climate change research and education
Internship Plant

The internship will focus on, for example, gathering information and data on climate change and assessment of likely impacts of climate change on fruit and nut forests, gathering information on...View Project

Internship Plant
Future Conservationist Award
Assessing bird species richness in shade-grown coffee farms, Chiapas, Mexico
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The purpose of this project is to determine richness of insectivorous bird species in forest remnants and shade-grown coffee farms in the pine-oak forest near El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird