Supported Projects

There are currently 917 projects with the selected filtering.

Future Conservationist Award
Last chance to save? Averting an amphibian conservation crisis in Bale, Ethiopia
Future Conservationist Award Amphibian

The endemic amphibian species of Harenna have declined in numbers since their original description in 1986, and they are likely to become extinct without an effective and timely intervention. We...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Amphibian
Conservation Follow-up Award
YARÉ II: Yariguíes assessment and research of Endangered species
Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple

The Serrania de las Yariguies was biologically unknown until YARE project studied its flora and fauna. We produced first inventories of the massif in all habitats from 150-3,200m above sea...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple
Elephant and lion monitoring and anti-poaching efforts around Yankari Game Reserve and Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
Internship Mammal

The intern will be based at Yankari Game Reserve where he will give support to the existing WCS project designed to improve levels of elephant protection in collaboration with Bauchi...View Project

Internship Mammal
Biodiversity assessments and community carbon inventory in high conservation value forest
Internship Plant

The internship is envisaged to meet 3 objectives: 1) exposure to a broad range of biodiversity conservation issues in the Philippines. The intern will work closely with FFI staff on...View Project

Internship Plant
Future Conservationist Award
Securing coral reef ecosystem of Karimunjawa, Indonesia
Future Conservationist Award Invertebrate

Coral reefs in Karimunjawa Marine National Park (MPA) are highly threatened by destructive fisheries and tourism activities and temperature rise due to global environmental changes. This project aims to deliver...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Invertebrate
Future Conservationist Award
Participative research on biodiversity (R.O.B.IN) in Uruguayan artisanal red shrimp fishery
Future Conservationist Award Multiple

Shrimps trawling by-catch is a global threat to marine biodiversity. However, the use of selective gears allows an important fraction of fishes to escape, diminishing the negative impact of shrimp...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Multiple
Conservation Follow-up Award
For sustainable recovery of grey-shanked douc monkeys in Vietnam
Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal

This project is designed to ensure the sustainable recovery of the grey-shanked douc monkey population in Kon Ka Kinh National Park as well as to educate local people about the...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal
Conservation Follow-up Award
The Bhimashankar Strategy: Toward region-wide community conservation in the Western Ghats, India
Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple

Conservation often requires resource-users to give up destructive or excessive use of biodiversity. This is a challenging task in biodiversity rich areas inhabited by poverty-ridden communities heavily dependent on the...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Conservation initiatives for greater adjutant stork in Assam, India
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The endangered Greater Adjutant (Leptoptilos dubius) is currently known to breed only in Assam, India, and Cambodia. Out of its total estimated global population of 1,000 about 600-700 birds are...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Study of the influence of fencing on Przewalski’s gazelle in Qinghai Province, China
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The endangered Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii) has experienced severe population decline and habitat loss during the past century. Today it survives in only one area of Qinghai. Among those factors...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Conservation Follow-up Award
Conservation of an IBA in collaboration with students and local land users, Kazakhstan
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The inventory of IBAs in Central Asia and the recent nomination of the Central Kazakh steppes and wetlands as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, Saryarka, demonstrates the outstanding importance...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation, human rights and indigenous peoples
Internship Multiple

BirdLife is working to better understand the impact of its conservation actions on local communities and Indigenous Peoples and the role that those affected by conservation could have in both...View Project

Internship Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Cooperation and conflict between Irrawaddy dolphins and fishers of Chilika Lagoon, India
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

Fisheries bycatch is a major threat to the Irrawaddy dolphin worldwide. Nonetheless, these dolphins are known to forage cooperatively with fishermen. The dolphin population in Chilika lagoon is small (

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Conservation of the Caatinga howler monkey (Alouatta ululata), Brazil
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The Caatinga Howler Monkey (Alouatta ululata) is an Endangered (IUCN, 2008) primate and probably the least known howler monkey in the world. Poaching and habitat loss are the main threats...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Reintroducing the Sumatran rhinoceros in Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The Leuser ecosystem in northern Sumatra has been identified as an area with one of the largest Sumatran rhinoceros populations in the world. While the population in southern Sumatra is...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Providing support to the BirdLife Partnership’s work on climate change
Internship Multiple

2009 is a critical year for climate change culminating in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties in December 2009. BirdLife believes that the Copenhagen conclusions...View Project

Internship Multiple
Kate Stokes Memorial Award
The Bhimashankar strategy: toward a region-wide community conservation programme in the Western Ghats, India
Kate Stokes Memorial Award Multiple

To develop a small enterprise that will train local youth groups and provide them with opportunities to earn a living through ecotourism activities. Project update: “The BWS is one of...View Project

Kate Stokes Memorial Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Ecological assessment of hispid hare in Manas National Park, India
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

Except for a few indirect pieces of evidence, no detailed information is available about the Hispid hare (Caprolagus hispidus) in Manas National Park. Up to date information on the distribution,...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Conservation Follow-up Award
Conservation Action Planning: Application on the ground, Sakhalin Island, Russia
Conservation Follow-up Award Fish

We propose to work with local stakeholders to refine and implement the Conservation Action Plan (CAP) developed in 2008 for the Langry basin in Northwest Sakhalin. The CAP focuses on...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Fish
Support to BirdLife’s flyway conservation work in the Americas
Internship Bird

The overall aim of the internship is to train an intern to provide a range of technical support to BirdLife’s flyway conservation work in the Americas, focusing especially on the...View Project

Internship Bird