Supported Projects

There are currently 917 projects with the selected filtering.

Future Conservationist Award
Conservation research of Cao Vit gibbon in China
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The critically endangered Cao Vit gibbon survives in a small population (approximately 100 individuals) in a remaining forest area of less than 3,000 hectares along the border of China (Guangxi)...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Survey of the four-horned antelope in South India
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The four-horned antelope is primarily distributed in India and little is known about its ecology or feeding/breeding behaviour. This unique antelope is threatened by poaching, grazing, and habitat loss. In...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Linking flooded forests, fish and people in the Río Caquetá: a first effort to conserve floodplains in Colombia
Internship Fish

The importance of preserving flooded forests to ensure the long-term sustainability of fish populations is rarely recognized among Colombian Amazon communities. The río Caquetá-Japurá is one of the largest tributaries...View Project

Internship Fish
Future Conservationist Award
Wintering ecology of hooded crane at Chongming Dongtan, China
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The hooded crane is a vulnerable species globally and only 10% of the total population can sustain themselves in natural habitats without supplementary feeding during winter. About 100 hooded cranes...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Lesser florican community leadership programme in India
Future Conservationist Award Bird

Lesser florican cannot be conserved by a site-based approach. It can only be conserved through involvement of communities with which it shares its habitat. We need to identify and train...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Litterfall dynamics and nutrient inputs under different tropical forest restoration strategies in southern Costa Rica
Internship Plant

Tropical forests are among the most important biomes on earth. They house high levels of biodiversity, maintain critical ecosystem services, and exchange large quantities of carbon and water with the...View Project

Internship Plant
Conservation Follow-up Award
Project Chicamocha II: saving threatened dry forest biodiversity
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The Critically Endangered Niceforo’s Wren and Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird are dependent on remnant forests in the Chicamocha canyon. Niceforo’s Wren is at risk of extinction as none of its habitat is...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Leadership Award
Initiative to reduce the mortality of Ganges dolphin in Brahmaputra River, India
Conservation Leadership Award Mammal

By-catch mortality and poaching are the two major issues responsible for the rapid declining of the endangered Gangetic dolphin in Brahmaputra River. To reduce these threats annual mortality of dolphins...View Project

Conservation Leadership Award Mammal
Macroalgae taking over Caribbean coral reefs: searching for management solutions
Internship Invertebrate

The current research investigates the effects of seaweed competition on coral growth rate and survival. While previous work has shown that seaweed can reduce growth rate, fecundity and survival of...View Project

Internship Invertebrate
Future Conservationist Award
Evaluation of threatened amphibians in Colombian key sites
Future Conservationist Award Amphibian

The Alliance for Zero extinction initiative by members of the BP Conservation Award partnership have identified over 26 sites of vital importance to CR and EN amphibians in Colombia. Seventeen...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Amphibian
Migration and conservation of eastern Pacific green turtles
Internship Reptile

The eastern Pacific Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) inhabits the waters of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador, which makes it vulnerable to fishing activity by...View Project

Internship Reptile
Anoa ecology and conservation in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Internship Mammal

Bushmeat hunting is one of the main threats to large forest mammals in the tropics. The lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) is an endangered dwarf buffalo species endemic to the Sulawesi...View Project

Internship Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Conservation Field Training for Young Park Rangers in Argentina
Future Conservationist Award Multiple

The last remaining continuous block of the Atlantic Forest needs skilled park rangers to adequately protect this ecoregion and attend to the complex environmental, social and economic needs of this...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Conservation of Threatened and Migratory Birds in the Eerguna-Midflow Transboundary Wetland, China/Russia
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The Eerguna-Midflow is a wetland area straddling the China-Russian border in the northeast of Inner Mongolia. The Eerguna Provincial Wetland Reserve only includes the northwestern part of these wetlands, which...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Project Seabirds Argentina: Conservation through Community Involvement
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

Through initial research on the incidental capture of sea birds, we identified two opportunities on which we could build a longer term project to conserve threatened sea birds in Argentina....View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Can golden-headed lion tamarins survive in Cabruca Agroforest? Management implications for an endangered species and habitat
Internship Mammal

This report is part of an ongoing study which aims to evaluate the responses of an endangered species to the matrix surrounding suitable habitat. The golden-headed lion tamarin (GHLT; Leontopithecus...View Project

Internship Mammal