Fostering local support for the conservation of the Endangered Preuss’s monkey on the Obudu Plateau, Nigeria

Ebenezer Eyituoyo Ofuya

The population size and distribution of the Preuss’s monkey (Allochrocebus preussi), which is currently classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened species (Cronin et al., 2019), has been severely depleted by hunting and habitat destruction from increasing cultivation and spread of pasture. This species requires immediate conservation actions to curb their decline. The Obudu plateau, which is a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) and an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA), is identified as “in Danger”, experiencing very high pressure in recent years and in need of immediate action (Birdlife International, 2020). Despite its importance, there is no clear protection for the forest patches of the Plateau. Therefore, in the absence of any form of legal protection, it becomes imperative to scale up conservation initiatives in this region. This project aims to raise conservation awareness among local people on the plateau through campaigns and education outreach programs to build their conservation consciousness and develop their capacity for biodiversity management, and enlist their support for the conservation of A. preussi and the protection of its habitat. The ultimate goal is to promote human behaviors that will help reduce immediate threats to the A. preussi and its habitat, to allow for population growth and long term persistence.

This builds on a previous CLP project supported in 2021.